BLUE ECOLOGY VIDEO 3: “The Fraser Valley alone could provide two-thirds of the additional irrigated land area that is needed for food security. Think about that,” stated Ted van der Gulik, President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability


In the Blue Ecology Workshop in November 2017, the Partnership for Water Sustainability’s Ted van der Gulik teamed with Member of Parliament Fin Donnelly, the CBC’s Bob McDonald (host, Quirks & Quarks) and Michael Blackstock (creator of the Blue Ecology paradigm) to share their unique and complementary perspectives on a water-first approach. The Fraser River was a centrepiece for the workshop program.

Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability, was the workshop faciliator/moderator.


Download “Blue Ecology – interweaving First Nations cultural knowledge and Western science” for a program preview.

Visit Climate change may drastically impact the availability of fresh water for agriculture on Canada’s most productive agriculture land, the lower Fraser Valley,” states Ted van der Gulik