BLUE ECOLOGY WORKSHOP: “The BC Water Funders Collaborative is a group of funding organizations working together to facilitate the strategic use of collective resources to advance freshwater protection in British Columbia,” stated Jack Wong, Real Estate Foundation of BC
Note to Reader:
The Real Estate Foundation of BC is a sponsor of the 2017 Blue Ecology Workshop. The REFBC also sponsored the 2016 FLOWnGROW Workshop, held in Kelowna. REFBC funding has made it possible to include Bob McDonald, host of the CBC Radio’s Quirks and Quarks, as part of the 2016 and 2027 programs.

Okanagan Lake (photo credit: REFBC)
Freshwater Sustainability
In its work as a grantmaker, convener and collaborator, the Real Estate Foundation of BC supports work that:
- Builds community capacity to protect and conserve freshwater through watershed management, planning, governance and policy
- Engages citizen scientists to expand our understanding of sustainable water stewardship, conservation and management
- Increases water literacy through education and public engagement
“Water is central to ecological health and supports our communities and economies,” stated Jack Wong, Chief Executive Officer. “BC’s watersheds (systems of rivers, lakes, snow melt and ground water) provide freshwater to sustain human and animal life, and to support industry and agriculture.
“Land use and real estate practices have significant impacts on the quality and supply of freshwater. By using research, education, law and policies we can support sustainable land uses and promote freshwater governance to ensure that British Columbia has enough clean water to meet current and future needs.”
BC Water Funders Collaborative
The Real Estate Foundation of BC is a founding member of the BC Water Funders Collaborative, formed in 2014 to promote collaboration among organizations that fund freshwater and watershed protection efforts in British Columbia.
“Members of this diverse group of public and private institutions have independent goals and approaches, yet all share an interest in collaboration and a shared vision for healthier, more self-sustaining programs and policies,” explained Jack Wong.
“By working together, members of the Collaborative can find areas of common interest and work to align their funding resources and intentions. The Collaborative also provides a forum for members to exchange information, learn from each other and from water leaders, and to strengthen relationships, knowledge and networks.”
Membership in the BC Water Funders Collaborative is open to grant-making institutions and agencies actively interested or involved in funding water-related activities in British Columbia.
To Learn More:
BC Water Funders Collaborative
Sustainable Funding for Watershed Governance Initiative Task Force