Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable: “This unique watershed plan recognizes the linkages between healthy ecosystems and healthy people,” stressed Craig Orr

Note to Reader:

Formed in February 2011, the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable has made significant advancements under its collaborative model. One highlight is the development of a unique watershed plan. 

Lower Coquitlam River

Lower Coquitlam River

Building Resilience and Capacity for Inter-Jurisdictional, Watershed-Based Approaches

The Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable has made significant advancements under its collaborative model. One highlight is the development of a unique watershed plan that recognizes important linkages between ecosystem health and human well-being, and advances ecosystem-based thinking and planning across multiple jurisdictions of the Coquitlam River watershed.

The Roundtable has now turned its attention to building the capacity and resilience necessary to see the plan through implementation and beyond – focusing on evaluating sustainable funding mechanisms, increasing peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, and the Water Sustainability Act.

“Integrating the important linkages between ecosystem health and human well-being into decision making is a critical step in planning for watershed health. The craig-orr_2016_trimmed_120pfoundations for this have been woven into the fabric of the watershed plan,” continued Craig Orr.

“Proudly launched in 2015, this unique plan recognizes the linkages between healthy ecosystems and healthy people. Ensuring effective implementation is the next critical step,” Orr emphasizes.

To Learn More:

A 2016 Progress Update captures highlights of the strategies for action ahead.
