Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia recognizes the Corporation of Delta as one of its “Champion Supporters”

Note to Reader:

The Champion Supporter category of membership is the way in which the Partnership for Water Sustainability formally recognizes agencies and organizations that are playing a leadership role in assisting the Partnership with implementation of the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia.

On December 7, 2015 the Partnership presented Mayor and Council of the Corporation of Delta with a framed “letter of recognition” because the municipality is a leader by example in the Metro Vancouver region.

Kim Stephens (Partnership Executive Director) presents "letter of recognition" to Mayor Lois Jackson

Kim Stephens (Partnership Executive Director) presents “letter of recognition” to Mayor Lois Jackson

Delta is a Leader by Example

“It is indeed a pleasure to meet with Council. I am here for two reasons. One is to thank you. And the second is to celebrate. That is the main purpose – to celebrate what you are doing,” stated Kim Stephens, Executive Director, after being welcomed by Mayor Lois Jackson. He reminded Mayor Jackson of the circumstances under which they had first met in 2006.

“We met at Metro Vancouver to seek your support for showcasing green infrastructure innovation in the region. We have come a long way since then. Tonight’s topic is rainwater management in a watershed sustainability context,” he continued.

Delta Municipality is a Champion Supporter of the Partnership for Water Sustainability

Delta_location map“The Partnership is pleased to recognize the Corporation of Delta as one of our Champion Supporters. Delta’s long-term commitment is helping the Partnership advance the vision for achieving watershed sustainability through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices.”

“Local governments learn from each other and progress through sharing of case study experience. Earlier in 2015, we released the third in the series of Watershed Case Profiles. This is Delta’s rain garden story. By telling the stories of those who are spearheading changes in practice, this helps other local governments eliminate the disconnect between information and implementation. Your story is a really important story.”

Delta_title slide

Rainwater Management & Rain Gardens:
Creating the Future in Delta Municipality

“Delta has supported the work of the Partnership since 2002, in particular the Water Balance Model initiative,” stated the letter of recognition that Kim Stephens presented on behalf of the Partnership.

Kim Stephens at Delta Council_3_Dec2015“Another example of the role played by Delta is the 2007 Metro Vancouver Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series. Successful ‘sharing & learning’ influenced everything that has followed, helping to lay the groundwork for the Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Education Initiative. Earlier this year five Regional Boards representing 75 percent of BC’s population reaffirmed their support through 2017.

“Delta is a leader in implementing green infrastructure practices that will ultimately protect stream health. Your case study experience helps the Partnership achieve our educational mission. Hence, we are pleased to celebrate your accomplishments in our Watershed Blueprint Case Profile Series. In a publication titled Creating the Future in The Corporation of Delta: Rain Gardens Help Restore Nature to Urban Areas, we tell Delta’s story in the words of those who are implementing it.”


To Learn More:

To view the video of Kim Stephens presenting the framed “letter of recognition” to Mayor and Council at their, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to “Watch Council Meetings Online”:
  2. Select Regular Council Meeting on December 7, 2015
  3. Then click on Delegation: Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia – Presentation (8:00 minutes).

To download a copy of the accompanying PowerPoint presentation by Kim Stephens, click on Rainwater Management in a Watershed Sustainability Context: Delta is a Leader by Example (0.7 MB).

To download a PDF copy of Delta’s story, click on Creating the Future in The Corporation of Delta: Rain Gardens Help Restore Nature.

Delta_rain garden story

Recognition of Individual Champions

Presentation of the “letter of recognition” to Mayor and Council provided the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of two members of staff, Hugh Fraser and Sarah Howie, and community champion Deborah Jones who is well-known as Delta’s “rain gardens lady”.

Delta_Hugh Fraser

Delta_Sarah Howie

Delta_Deb Jones