FLASHBACK TO 2009 (video): Ted van der Gulik introduced an international audience to BC’s Water Balance Model at the Resilient Cities Conference
About the Resilient Cities Conference
“Sustainability imperatives, the call for climate action, and the pressure for new approaches in almost every urban system have North American cities scrambling to manage the shift toward ecological practices and greater resilience,” stated Gene Miller, a driving force behind the 2009 Resilient Cities Conference.
“To provide solutions to these challenges, three organizations – the Center for Urban Innovation, Smart Growth BC,and the Canadian Society of Ecological Economics (CANSEE) – combined forces to co-host Resilient Cities: Urban Strategies for Transition Times in October 2009. The conference was held in Vancouver.”
Influenced by ecological values and practices, and by growing concerns about global warming, Gene Miller conceived the annual Gaining Ground Urban Sustainability Conferences (seven, in all) in Victoria, Vancouver and Calgary, 2006 and onwards. These were timely and very important events that attracted as speakers many, if not most, of the significant North American figures in the ecological and related fields.
About the Water Balance Model
“The Water Balance Model supports new approaches to water management, and will facilitate informed decision-making about climate change adaptation,” said Ted van der Gulik, Chair of the Inter-Governmental Partnership that developed and maintains the Water Balance Model.
“The Water Balance Model enables comparison of land development scenarios. The comparison process creates understanding, especially when the focus is on the hydrologic implications of the assumptions that underpin the scenarios.”
“The Water Balance Model is moving toward an expert system with broad capabilities that can quickly provide answers to questions, and compare a number of site/watershed conditions, while giving consideration to the effects of climate change.”
Link to YouTube Video
A video clip has been uploaded to YouTube to provide a record and capture the flavour of how Ted van der Gulik told the story of the Water Balance Model. Click on the YouTube image above.
To download the set of PowerPoint slides that accompany the YouTube video, click on Living Water Smart – Doing Business Differently.