ARTICLE: “Vancouver Island 2065: Moving Towards Sustainable Service Delivery”
The Winter 2014 issue of the Asset Management BC Newsletter includes an article titled “Vancouver Island 2065: Moving Towards Sustainable Service Delivery”. To download a copy, click here.
The Vision: Settlement in Balance with Economy and Ecology
A new partnership Initiative – Vancouver Island 2065 – was announced at the 2013 ‘State of the Island’ Economic Summit, held in Nanaimo in October 2013. Vancouver Island 2065 is a partnership initiative of Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) and the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA). Joining this collaboration is Royal Roads University (RRU).
“Vancouver Island 2065 calls for a ‘top-down bottom-up’ strategy that forms collaborative and effective relationships among key stakeholders Island-wide to achieve a settlement in balance with economy and ecology,” states Derek Richmond, CAVI Chair and article co-author.
“This partnership has the potential of being a model for other regions in the province and beyond. The operating principles include establishing universal values that all can agree upon, while recognizing and respecting the unique opportunities and challenges within each community.”
Get Infrastructure Planning Right At the Front-End
“Because affordability ultimately drives local government asset management and infrastructure standards of practice, Sustainable Service Delivery is a foundation piece for Vancouver Island 2065,” continues Derek Richmond.
“Sustainable Service Delivery integrates all the principles of Asset Management. It understands the value of land-use planning; and it understands the impacts that land-use planning has on service delivery. It also integrates the ‘design with nature’ philosophy.”
“Asset management usually commences after something is built. The challenge is to think about what asset management entails BEFORE the asset is built. Cost-avoidance is a driver for this ‘new business as usual’. This paradigm-shift starts with land use and watershed-based planning, to determine what services are affordable, both now and over time.”
“We know that if we do things right at the front-end, the outcome will be a lot better, and everyone will wind up saving time and money. And we will have a healthier environment,” concludes Derek Richmond.
To Learn More:
Click on Vancouver Island 2065: Moving Towards Sustainable Service Delivery to download the article co-authored by Kim Stephens, Eric Bonham, George Hanson and Derek Richmond.
Demonstrating how they are implementing Sustainable Service Delivery will be an eligibility requirement for local governments applying for provincial grant funding in British Columbia.
Suggested Reading: Click on Moving Towards Sustainable Service Delivery in British Columbia: “Build awareness first, then implement,” emphasized Glen Brown at inter-regional collaboration session