Inter-Regional Collaboration for Watershed Sustainability: Kim Stephens connects the dots for Metro Vancouver’s Utilities Committee


Note to Reader:

In October 2013, Kim Stephens was invited by Metro Vancouver’s Utilities Committee to provide the members with a progress update on implementation on inter-regional collaboration as it pertains to watershed-based planning. The Utilities Committee is the standing committee of the Metro Vancouver Board which provides advice and recommendations to the Board on water and liquid waste management programs. The Utilities Committee’s scope of work is focussed on how the implementation of these plans, including regional policies, projects and programs can contribute to the liveability and sustainability of the region.

Kim Stephens is Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC. During the period 2008-2010, he served as Chair of the advisory Liquid Waste Management Reference Panel which reported directly to the predecessor Waste Management Committee.

Metro Vancouver Utilties Committee. Chaired by Mayor Darrell Mussatto (City of North Vancouver)

Metro Vancouver Utilties Committee. Chaired by Mayor Darrell Mussatto (City of North Vancouver)

Through Sharing and Learning, Ensure that Where We are Going is Indeed the Right Way

1Mayor-Darrell_Mussatto__North-Van-City_120p“We appreciate that Kim Stephens continues to keeps the committee informed about progress in implementing the rainwater component of the Metro Vancouver region’s Integrated Liquid Waste & Resource Management Plan,” stated Mayor Darrell Mussatto, Utilities Committee Chair, when he introduced Kim Stephens. “Our relationship with the Partnership for Water Sustainability is a good example of a collaborative approach in action.”


“Yes, Mr. Chair, we have settled into a pattern whereby I am reporting out to the Utilities Committee twice yearly – first in the spring and then again in the fall,” noted Kim Stephens. “In meeting with you on this occasion, it is to connect dots in providing you with an update on the value of inter-regional collaboration. Thanks to your support, Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island local governments are sharing resources, information and expertise through their participation in the Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Education Initiative.”

Watershed Health is a Regulatory Priority

“The Province’s approval of the region’s Integrated Plan included a requirement that Metro Vancouver will assist member municipalities to develop a coordinated program to monitor rainwater and assess and report the implementation and effectiveness of Integrated Stormwater Management Plans. This regulatory requirement has led to development of a Draft Adaptive Management Framework for Watershed Health.”

“Watershed health is a priority for local governments throughout the Georgia Basin. Metro Vancouver’s Draft Adaptive Management Framework may well be used as the starting point for evolving an inter-regional framework that works for everyone within the Georgia Basin.”

Plan for Inter-Regional Working Session Series

“In June 2013, at a brainstorming session hosted by the Capital Regional District, a core group of local government champions representing five geographic regions affirmed that it will function as an inter-regional leadership team. During the period October 2013 through June 2014, each region will host a working session with a theme specific to the host region.”

“The inter-regional leadership team has framed the ultimate outcome of the series of working sessions in these terms: ‘Through sharing and learning, ensure that where we are going is indeed the right way.’ The inter-regional process may serve as a feedback loop and peer-review that could potentially improve and/or enhance the Metro Vancouver region’s Draft Adaptive Management Framework,” concluded Kim Stephens.

To Learn More:

To download a copy of the Agenda for the October 2013 meeting of the Metro Vancouver Utilities Committee, click here.

To download a copy of the report presented by Kim Stephens, click on Presentation #5 – Progress update for period April 2013 through September 2013.

To download a copy of the Minutes, click here.

To download a copy of the Terms of Reference for the Utilities Committee, click here.

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