DOWNLOAD: “Think Like a Watershed,” advocates Oliver Brandes, leader of the POLIS Water Sustainability Project




Think Like a Watershed

The 10th anniversary of the POLIS Project provided an opportunity to reflect on the collaboration for almost decade between POLIS and the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.

“More than a decade into the 21st century, the idea of collaborative watershed management has come of age, and watershed groups across the province are eager to participate. It is all about learning to think like a watershed. That is our vision,” states Oliver Brandes, Senior Research Associate and Co-Director. He is also the leader of the POLIS Water Sustainability Project.

“By examining all actions in the context of the watershed, we can move toward a governance system that is rooted in ecological principles, and shift the focus towards managing the people within a watershed, rather than controlling the watershed itself.”


A Perspective on POLIS Collaboration with the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC

“Our collaboration with Oliver Brandes and the POLIS Project dates back to the genesis of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia when we operated as the Water Sustainability Committee under the umbrella of the BC Water & Waste Association. We first met Oliver Brandes in September 2004. A  meeting outcome was that we agreed to collaborate. By March 2005 the partnership had formalized our relationship with POLIS through a Statement of Collaboration,” recalls Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director.

“Oliver Brandes helped us launch the Convening for Action initiative in February 2005. He was a founding member of the CAVI Leadership Team in 2006.  Oliver has never hesitated to play defining roles in outreach and education events organized by the Partnership, for example – Penticton Water Balance Workshop (2005), Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series (2008) and Worth Every Penny Workshop (2010).”


To Learn More:

To read the complete story posted on the Water-Centric Planning community-of-interest, click on “Think Like a Watershed”, advocates Oliver Brandes, leader of the POLIS Water Sustainability Project and download a PDF version.