Convening for Action in British Columbia Leads to Success on the Ground
Local Government Leads
“CONVENING FOR ACTION is a framework that brings stakeholders together, supported by the province, but led by local government. Collaboration and integration: it is a true bottom-up approach that identifies the issue and then seeks to address it through the alignment of all stakeholders, with emphasis on local government needs. Vancouver Island is the demonstration region for ‘convening for action’, and is a success story”, states Glen Brown, Executive Director with the BC Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.
“The philosophy behind the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia is quite simple: bring local and regional stakeholders together where there is a desire and energy to make some form of change.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete story posted elsewhere on the Convening for Action Community-of-Interest, click on Mission Possible: A 50-Year Vision for Urban Watershed Restoration — Those operating in the local government setting can now access tools and experience that will enable them to make a difference. The approach is TOP-DOWN / BOTTOM-UP and is keyed to three words: ALIGNMENT, COLLABORATION, INTEGRATION.