Framework for a Regional Team Approach to Water Sustainability in the Thompson Rivers Region

Convening for Action

In May 2010, the BC Hydro Power Smart team convened a group of community leaders from across BC to form the Conservation Community-of-Practice. The intention was to learn with and from each other about what can be done to advance community based efforts in creating a conservation culture in BC. The Partnership is a charter member of this group.

BC Hydro Power Smart then provided seed funding to help members of the Conservation Community-of-Practice initiate regional activities. This financial support created the opportunity for the Partnership to explore the potential for proceeding with the initiative that is now branded as Convening for Action on Water in the Thompson Rivers Region, or CATRR.

Concept Development Session held in Kamloops

During the period May through August 2011, the Partnership’s Ron Smith engaged in a conversational process with water advocates, thought leaders and champions. This process yielded insights that then informed the agenda for an exploratory ‘concept development session’ on September 20, 2011.

“The Concept Development Session served as an inaugural meeting of individuals with a role in water and land management within the Thompson Rivers Region,” explains Ron Smith. “The purpose of the session was to discuss water and land issues within the Thompson Rivers Region and to determine the viability of a regional team approach to water sustainability within the region.  Representatives came from provincial, regional and local government, academia, non-government organizations and the agriculture industry.”

To Learn More:

To read the complete story about this embryo initiative in the Thompson Rivers Region, click on Consultation Report on Concept Development for a Water Forum.