Inter-Regional Sharing: How the Thompson Rivers Region can Learn from the Vancouver Island Experience
Convening for Action: There Must Be an Outcome
In September 2011, the Partnership for Water Sustainability and BC Hydro Power Smart co-hosted an exploratory ‘concept development workshop’ in Kamloops. The workshop was divided into two parts. Faciltated by Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director, the morning segment focused on sharing and learning. The afternoon session looked at the chemistry of the participants in collaborating on future actions.
“The morning segment was about getting to know each other. It was conducted as a conversation. We describe our approach as ‘structured flexibility’. This means we are organized and have an end in mind, yet we go with the flow to achieve an outcome. The conversational approach helps energize the room and produce Ah-Ha Moments,” explains Kim Stephens.
“Eric Bonham led off with some insight into how the Convening for Action story began and continues to develop on Vancouver Island. Participants followed with their views and opinions of water/land issues within this region. The desireds outcome was to inform, educate and inspire. We hoped that participants would have insight into, and would be excited by what they can accomplish through a regional team approach.”
“Major breakthroughs happen when decision-makers in government work with grass-roots visionaries in the community to create the future desired by all. Collaboration grows from a shared vision about the future and commitment to action,” emphasized Eric Bonham. To illustrate what he meant by a top-down and bottom-up approachj he referenced the experience of the Bowker Creek Initiative in the Capital Region.
To Learn More:
To download a copy of the workshop agenda, click here.
To download a copy of the set of PowerPoint slides that guided the morning session, click on Framework for Regional Team Approach
Posted in August 2012