Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC announces that website has a new look tells the story of “Convening for Action in BC”
Incorporated as a non-profit society in November 2010, the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia had its genesis in the Water Sustainability Committee of the BC Water & Waste Association. From 2003 until 2010, the committee was the hub for a ‘convening for action’ network. The Partnership is now that hub.
The Partnership primarily works in the local government context, with a focus on community and regional planning systems, to influence uptake of strategies that will integrate decisions about use and conservation of land with water sustainability outcomes.
Why a New Look
“Recently, the Partnership made a key decision to create a new front page to the website to help strengthen our identity, support forward looking initiatives that tackle some of the most important issues about water sustainability, and to realize exciting new opportunities,” reports Mike Tanner, Chair.
“The first step was to develop the branding and logo for the Partnership and this is now prominently displayed on our front page. One of the biggest changes is that the blog is now much more prominently featured. This is because we hope to make the blog a central place for online discussion of issues relating to water sustainability and land management. It is hoped that the blog will draw more people to the site, building a vibrant community in the process.”
“But this is only the start of new and exciting things to come. Over time we will expand and improve our site to not only continue to be the key to the communication strategy for the Partnership but also to meet our vision to provide a resource-rich, highly interactive ‘destination’ location for timely and provocative information about water sustainability in British Columbia,” concludes Mike Tanner.
To Learn More:
Posted July 2011