Beyond the Guidebook 2010 – List of 41 Supporting Documents
Note to Reader:
Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia describes how a ‘covening for action’ culture has taken root in British Columbia. Bringing together local government practitioners in neutral forums has enabled implementers to collaborate as regional teams. Their action-oriented focus has resulted in ‘how to dit it; examples that help decision-makers visualize what ‘design with nature’ policy goals look like on the ground.
Creating a Legacy
“Each of the seven chapters in ‘Beyond the Guidebook 2010’ is complemented by a number of supporting documents that elaborate on aspects of on-the-ground successes in British Columbia. In total, there are 41 resource documents. All are downloadable from website,” states Mike Tanner, Chair of the Waterbucket Partnership.
To Learn More:
To access the list of 41 documents, click on GUIDANCE DOCUMENT: Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia
To download a copy of the Table of Contents, click on the image below.
Posted June 2010