Forging Gold Medal Standards: Water Sustainability Action Plan has centre stage at UBCM Annual Convention
Capitalizing on Forward Momentum
The theme for the 2010 annual convention of BC local governments is Forging Gold Medal Standards. In keeping with the Olympic spirit of the Whistler venue, the convention focus is on nurturing new relationships and capitalizing on foward momentum in BC communities.
“We will use this coming together of BC’s local leaders to share and learn from each other’s experiences, and gain ideas to move our own communities forward,” states Harry Nyce, President of the Union of BC Municipalities.
Water-Centric Initiatives
Three provincial water initiatives are being showcased in a study session on sustainability planning and practices:
- Water Act Modernization Process
- Provincial Drought Response Plan
- Water Sustainability Action Plan for BC
“From our Action Plan perspective, the optics are great,” states Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator. “This forum puts the three water-centric initiatives on an equal footing, and draws attention to their provincial importance and relevance. Moving forward, this high profile exposure will make it that much easier to deliver the Action Plan program in a local government setting.”
“The Action Plan story is a good news story,” adds Glen Brown, Executive Director in the Ministry of Community & Rural Development. “It is a story of collaboration, partnerships and alignment at three levels: provincial, regional and local. Moreover, the Action Plan is adding value on the ground and supporting provincial outcomes.”
Collaboration, Partnerships and Alignment
To inform local governments, Glen Brown and Ray Fung are delivering an integrated presentation about program successes under the umbrella of the Action Plan. They represent the “convening for action” partnership network that is responsible for Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia. The presentation by Glen and Ray at UBCM presentation
“By going back and forth to deliver a seamless and truly integrated presentation, Glen and I are demonstrating alignment of the provincial and local government perspectives on the value of the Action Plan program. The Province sees value; local government sees value. The real value is when all interests are being met,” states Ray Fung, Director of Engineering & Transportation with the District of West Vancouver.
To Learn More:
To download the Final Agenda, click on Study Session on Sustainability Planning & Practices in BC
Click on 2010 UBCM Annual Convention provides forum for reporting out on implementation success of Water Sustainability Action Plan — The 2003 Annual Convention of the Union of BC Municipalities initiated an Outreach and Continuing Education Program (OCEP) that promotes a ‘water-centric’ approach to community planning and development.
Water Sustainability Action Plan for BC
“Released in 2004, the Wate Sustainability Action Plan is the local government implementation interface for two over-arching provincial initiatives: Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan, and the Green Communities Initiative. The program goals for these intiatives constitute a ‘call to action’ on the part of local governments,” states Glen Brown.
“A decade ago, we made a conscious decision to follow an educational rather than prescriptive path in BC. We realized that changing the way we develop land depends on establishing higher expectations and challenging practitioners to embrace shared responsibility.”