Shared Responsibility Underpins a Regional Team Approach to Creating Our Future in British Columbia


Note to Reader:

In December 2009, the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia released a Backgrounder that discusses how the Province has enabled local government by providing law and policy tools to help communities achieve water sustainability and manage settlement change in balance with ecology.

Living water smart & building greener communities - call to action

Call to Action

The Province of British Columbia has put in place a policy framework that enables local governments to commit to doing business differently: This is what we want our communities to look like in 50 years, and this is what we will do starting now to ensure it happens.

“The program goals for Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan and the companion Tim pringle (120p)Green Communities Initiative constitute a ‘call to action’ on the part of British Columbians to manage settlement change in balance with ecology,” states Tim Pringle, Director of Special Programs for the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia.

Together with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Community of Community & Rural Development, the Real Estate Foundation works to advance green value approaches to managing the built environment.

To Learn More:

To access an article by Tim Pringle that provides background on the settlement in balance with ecology theme, click on Water for Life and Livelihoods: How does a community balance settlement change and ecology?

Balance settlement change with ecology for two reasons

Green Development Makes Sense

Living Water Smart contains a key message – green development makes sense. Fostering new approaches to development will lead to more green spaces, more water and fish in streams, improved community vitality, reduced demand for water, and reduced expenditure on infrastructure.

Kim stephens (132p)“Achieving the vision for settlement change in balance with ecology will require a ‘regional team approach’ that is founded on the notion of shared responsibility,” adds Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator for the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia.

About Shared Responsibility:

To download a copy of the discussion document released by the Water Sustainability Action Plan in December 2009, click on Backgrounder: Shared Responsibility Underpins a Regional Team Approach to Creating Our Future in British Columbia

Shared responsibility underpins regional team approach - cover (360p)