RESILIENT CITIES: Unique conference will showcase a Panel Session on how ‘Green Objectives’ are being achieved in British Columbia
Note to Reader:
Register now for the Resilient Cities Conference in Vancouver on October 20, 2009. Registration allows you to attend any of the parallel sessions hosted by Gaining Ground, Smart Growth BC and CANSEE. For more information about the conference, scroll down.
Benefits for Those Attending
There is growing national and international interest in how British Columbia has moved from awareness to action in implementing green infrastructure practices that achieve water sustainability outcomes.
On October 20th at Vancouver’s new Convention Centre, you too can learn how this transformation is being accomplished through a ‘regional team approach’ that is aligned with the Province’s Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan and Green Communities Initiative.
Living Water Smart articulates the vision for green development; and the Green Communities Initiative provides enabling tools to achieve the vision. Together they represent a call to action to achieve Green Action Objectives:
- Climate Change Adaptation;
- Water Sustainability;
- Sustainable Land Use; and
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) & Energy Reduction.
On October 20 from 2:00pm until 3:30pm, the panel session at the CANSEE part of the Resilient Cities Conference will feature a progress report on Convening for Action on Vancouver Island. Better known by the acronym CAVI, this success story demonstrates what can be accomplished through partnerships, collaboration, innovation and integration.
2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series
The Comox Valley is in the early stages of demonstrating what a ‘regional team approach’ looks like. A desired outcome in collaborating is alignment of goals and actions at three scales – provincial, regional and local.
The 2009 Series is a collaboration of four local governments in the Comox Valley, the Comox Valley Land Trust, CAVI, the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia, the Green Infrastructure Partnership and two provincial Ministries (Community & Rural Development; and Environment).
To Learn More:
To access a series of articles that tell “The Story of the 2009 Comox Valley Series”, click here.
About the Resilient Cities Conference
“Sustainability imperatives, the call for climate action, and the pressure for new approaches in almost every urban system have North American cities scrambling to manage the shift toward ecological practices and greater resilience,” states Gene Miller, a driving force behind the Resilient Cities Conference.
“To provide solutions to these challenges, three organizations – the Center for Urban Innovation, Smart Growth BC,and the Canadian Society of Ecological Economics (CANSEE) – have combined forces to co-host Resilient Cities: Urban Strategies for Transition Times from October 20th through 22nd in Vancouver. This is the sixth in the Gaining Ground Summit Series.”
About Gene Miller:
Influenced by ecological values and practices, and by growing concerns about global warming, Gene Miller conceived the annual Gaining Ground Urban Sustainability Conferences (seven, in all) in Victoria, Vancouver and Calgary, 2006 and onwards. These were timely and very important events that attracted as speakers many, if not most, of the significant North American figures in the ecological and related fields.