Visiting scholar, traveler, visionary and author Eva Kras provides a trans-cultural perspective on “The Search for Sustainability” in meetings with British Columbians


Eva kras - the search for sustainability

A Shift in Values

Visiting scholar, traveler, visionary and author Eva Kras attended the regular meeting of the BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee in January 2009. Later in Eva kras (80p)the day she addressed the WSC and invited guests on the topic, “The Search for Sustainability”. Eva overviewed our traditional management concepts from the perspective of their effectiveness in meeting the desired goal of sustainability and critiqued whether the values that underpin the current approach to sustainability are indeed adequate for the task.

Wisdom of Visionaries

Based upon the observation and wisdom of visionaries such as Willis Harman, E.F.Schumacher and Albert Einstein, it is argued that sustainable governance calls for a serious rethink of our societal values and governance processes.

Eva Kras_wisdom

Eric bonham (80p)

“This major shift in values is essential if we are to move beyond the purely scientific approach, based upon quantitative analysis, towards a more integrated and inclusive model founded upon the collective good, interdependence and respect for ecology,” observed Eric Bonham when he introduced Eva.

Eva kras (160p)This dialogue is timely, given the current global turmoil as a result of greed, fear and exploitation, to the detriment of society, the economy and the environment. The current situation raises the fundamental question. “Can we realistically expect sustainable outcomes if we are using conventional governance models to put sustainable values into practice?”

To Learn More:

To download a copy of Eva’s presentation, click on The Search for Sustainability: A Presentation by Eva Kras


THE BLOCKAGE – Rethinking Organizational Principles for the 21st Century

Eva shared the findings of her most recent book “The Blockage”, noting the values that have created our present worldview and inspiring us all to seek the deeper universal values that are inherent in each one of us. This was both a dynamic as Eva kras - the blockage (240p)well as a relevant discussion regarding the challenges we collectively face at both the local and global scale.

Eva, in her capacity as the president of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics (CANSEE), was in British Columbia to arrange the bi-annual CANSEE conference which will be held at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver October 15-17, 2009.  At the CANSEE Conference, the Water Sustainability Committee will be sharing its experiences on how to move from talk (awareness) to action (practices).

While in BC, Eva Kras spoke at the BCWWA Past-Presidents Reception in Vancouver, to POLIS staff and guests at the University of Victoria, to provincial government staff in Victoria, and Okanagan Basin Water Board representatives in Kelowna.

About Eva Kras

Eva Kras is a Canadian Citizen, a trans-cultural management specialist, author and part-time professor with twenty-five years of experience who has worked and lived in Mexico, South America and Europe. Her principal areas of work involve trans-cultural management adaptations and sustainable development in trans-cultural organizations. She speaks several languages and has published five books in the US and Mexico related to her major areas of interest. One of these is the respected book, Management in Two Cultures.

Eva is president of the Canadian Chapter of the International Society for Ecological Economies. She is also president of the International Lerma-Chapala Foundation (an international NGO). This NGO has been actively involved in a number of projects in Mexico to improve water quality and water efficiency given the impact of water related issues upon urban development, fisheries farming, industry, tourism and indigenous groups. Eva currently resides in Ottawa, Canada. Her website