Building Green in a Changing Climate
Living Green Building Green
Living Green Building Green, a conference and tradeshow on Green Building Technologies, took place in Courtenay in March 2008.
“The event was aimed at the building industry on Vancouver Island,” stated Maaike Pen, Coordinator Living Green Building Green. “At the conference, leaders in the building industry explored how to plan, design and build green.”
“The tradeshow showcased Green Building projects and technologies on the Island and offered attendees the chance to meet local Green Building suppliers.”
To download a copy of the program, click on Program for Conference on Building Green in a Changing Climate
Contractors’ Roundtable
The conference included a Contractors’ Roundtable: Lessons Learned – Cost & Capacity. The roundtable was co-faciltated by John Finnie and Kim Stephens of Convening for Action on Vancouver Island.(CAVI). John Finnie is CAVI Chair and Kim Stephens is the Program Coordinator. CAVI was one of the Partner Associations that supported Living Green Building Green.
“The roundtable discussion was a direct request from the provincial sponsor – Green Buildings BC – as they wanted to get a better understanding of costs and capacity around green buildings: from residential to commercial, institutional and government. The intent of this discussion was to get a cross-dialogue going on between builders, designers and the Province,” states Vivian Dean, the visionary who had an idea and brought Living Green Building Green to fruition.
“The roundtable proved to be quite effective,” adds Kim Stephens. “Because John Finnie and I co-facilitated, this meant we were able to take turns in working with the panel members and maintaining the energy of the session. The audience responded enthusiastically.”
Exceeding Expectations
“The Building Green in a Changing Climate Conference on March 4 and 5 in Courtenay was a clear success. As a member of the conference’s advisory group, I’d have to say that it exceeded all my expectations. We were expecting 150 to 200 attendees and received more than 300,” reports Bill Girard.
“A highlight was a luncheon talk by Tony Marcil, President and CEO of FSC Canada. The green building sector and conscientious consumers are clearly driving demand for FSC-certified wood products which has led to the phenomenal growth of FSC in Canada.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete story by Bill Girard, click on Courtenay Green Building conference helps to take FSC from niche market to mainstream