UDI creates opportunity to introduce Water Sustainability Action Plan to Victoria development community


CAV - patrick condon quote

UDI Victoria Luncheon Program

In March 2008, UDI Victoria invited Kim Stephens to inform the development community about the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia in general, and the Water Balance Model for British Columbia  in particular. His presentation comprised two parts:

  • First, he provided a provincial context for development and application of the Water Balance Model when he explained “where we have come from”.
  • Then, he introduced the program elements for Convening for Action on Vancouver Island to foreshadow “where we are going”.

In speaking to the land development versus watershed protection compatibility challenge, his key message was this: What we believed to be ‘unachievable’ in 1998 may in fact now be within our grasp.

What We Once Believed to be Unachievable…

Kim Stephens (120p) - June 2008A decade ago, the breakthrough in thinking came when we developed the concept of a Rainfall Spectrum to categorize the rainfall-days that occur each year. This approach helped overcome fear and doubt because we were able to demonstrate that it is possible to capture rain where it falls, and in so doing prevent rainwater runoff,” stated Kim Stephens.

To Learn More:

To read the complete story that is posted on the Green Infrastructure Community-of-Interest, click on Development and Watershed Protection are Compatible? Since When?

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