Metro Vancouver appoints community advisory group to provide input to Liquid Waste Management Plan


Mayor lois jackson, metro vancouver chairIn January 2008, Metro Vancouver drafted discussion documents for updating its Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans. In April 2008, the Metro Vancouver Board appointed the Metro Vancouver Solid and Liquid Waste Management Reference Panels. According to Board Chair Lois Jackson, the Reference Panels will provide input on the discussion documents and on the subsequent Draft Plans.

Councillor marvin hunt - city of surreyThe Reference Panels will report directly to the Metro Vancouver Waste Management Committee during the consultation process. “The Reference Panels will provide comments and advice on the strategies for updating each plan,” explained Councillor Marvin Hunt (City of Surrey), Chair of the Waste Management Committee. “Each panel is comprised of nine community members who bring a variety of perspectives to solid and liquid waste issues, including technical experts, solid and liquid waste management specialists, business representatives and citizens with an interest in solid and liquid waste topics.”

To Learn More:

To learn more about the mandate and who is on the LIquid Waste Reference Panel, click on Metro Vancouver appoints Reference Panel to provide input to Liquid Waste Management Plan.


Complete story originally posted on the Green Infrastructure community-of-interest in June 2008