Blue Ecology and Climate Change: Dealing with uncertainty and managing risk


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Municipal Water Supply Governance

In May 2008, the University of British Columbia hosted the second workshop in a series about Municipal Water Supply Infrastructure Governance in Canada.

Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator for the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, was invited to make a keynote presentation built around the theme of climate change adaptation.

Blue Ecology

Blue Ecology is a water first ecological philosophy which emerged from interweaving First Nations and Western Science perspectives. Water has a spirit and a central functional role in human society  and in the ecosystem.

Kim stephens (120p)“The UBC workshop provided a timely opportunity to introduce a pan-Canadian audience to the work of Michael Blackstock, in particular his paper on Blue Ecology and climate change,” states Kim Stephens.

“When I read the paper, it really resonated with me. A key message is the need to focus attention on the spiritual role of water in our world.”

“Michael Blackstock urges us to apply both respect and science-based understanding as we develop collaborative climate change mitigation strategies and instil this respect and understanding in younger generations.”

Build a Vision & Create a Legacy

“Acknowledging water’s central functional and spiritual roles is an important first step in building a vision that will ultimately manifest itself as a legacy,” concludes Kim Stephens.

To read the complete story, click on Program on Water Governance Workshop Series: Sustainable Water Infrastructure Management in Canada.
