Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver: Summary Report on the 2007 Series


The projected growth of the Metro Vancouver region and resulting cumulative impacts are drivers for reassessing how land is developed and water is used. To promote a new way-of-thinking related to infrastructure policies and practices, the Green Infrastructure Partnership organized Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation in Greater Vancouver: The 2007 Series.

GIP - 2007 showcasing innovation  series

The goal in showcasing innovation and celebrating successes is to promote networking, build regional capacity, and move ‘from awareness to action’ – through GIP - summary report for 2007 showcasing seriessharing of green infrastructure approaches, tools, experiences and lessons learned as an outcome of designing with nature. The 2007 Series comprised three events. To download a comprehensive document that provides complete information on the series, either click on the adjacent image or the following link to Summary Report on Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver: The 2007 Series

Paul ham (120p)According to Paul Ham, Chair of the Green Infrastructure Partnership (and General Manager, Engineering, City of Surrey),  “At the 2005 consultation workshop hosted by the City of Surrey, Metro Vancouver municipalities told us that they wanted to hear firsthand from those who are implementing green infrastructure, and they want to see what it looks like.”


Posted January 2008