Convening for Action Program Captures Attention at BCWWA Conference
Working Towards Sustainable Communities
At the 2007 Annual Conference of the BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA), held in Penticton, the Minister of Environment singled out the accomplishments of the BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee in delivering the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia through partnerships with his Ministry and others. The Minister’s recognition of the Water Sustainability Committee (WSC) set the stage for a half-day Action Plan session within the main conference program.
Titled Water Sustainability: Convening for Action in British Columbia, the Action Plan session comprised five cascading presentations that elaborated on the Minister’s message to delegates. The WSC and Green Infrastructure Partnership collaborated to organize the Action Plan session because desired outcomes for water sustainability and green infrastructure are common to both, and can be achieved through infrastructure standards that reflect a full and proper understanding of the relationship between land and water.
“The objective when ‘convening for action’ is to influence practitioners to learn about and use practices that better balance the necessary relationships of settlement activity and ecological assets in local and regional landscapes,” stated Tim Pringle, Executive Director of the Real Estate Foundation for British Columbia, a member of the “convening for action” presentation team. The Foundation and Province are co-funding the Action Plan.
To Learn More:
The session comprised five cascading presentations.and attracted an audience totalling 130. For a comprehensive story that provides a synopsis of each presentation, click on 2007 BCWWA Annual Conference Theme: Working Towards Sustainable Communities
To download a copy of the program synopsis, click on Water Sustainability: Convening for Action in British Columbia.