Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum on Monday, December 3, 2007 will draw attention to Vancouver Island initiative


New way of thinking

Local government leaders will convene to brainstorm a new way-of-thinking

Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) and the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (AVICC) are partnering to co-host a Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum on December 3, 2007 in Nanaimo. This event is designed for elected representatives and senior managers in local government. It is titled:

  • Creating Our Future: A Positive Settlement Strategy for Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities

The Leadership Forum is intended to start a conversation that will lead to a region-wide dialogue in 2008 around achieving settlement in balance with ecology.

Rod Sherrell, AVICC President (120p)“If we are to control our destiny, then we need to challenge Vancouver Islanders to visualize what they want this place to look like in 50 years and get on with creating our future,” stated Rod Sherrell, AVICC President and Chair of the Mount Waddington Regional District.

To Learn More:

The Forum will prompt discussion about the location and form of future development. For background, please click here to read a story about the joint announcement by AVICC and CAVI in September.

Building on Success

The highly successful 2007 Showcasing Innovation Series wrapped up in mid-October.  Seven local governments showcased leading edge green infrastructure initiatives, thus sharing their experiences and lessons learned with their colleagues.

The Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum is the logical next step. In the morning, local governments will learn about current green infrastructure thinking and local initiatives, particularly as it relates to holistic, balanced planning. In the afternoon participants will have a choice of two workshop themes, one regional and the other local.

A case study example for each theme will be previewed followed by breakout groups.  This will help participants wrap their minds around the question: How can your Regional Growth Strategy or Official Community Plan be aligned with A Positive Settlement Strategy?

For Event Registration:

For program and registration information, please click on this link to download Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum: Creating Our Future