Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: A Regional Pilot for ‘Water Sustainability’
Tim Pringle and Graeme Bethell provide update on program implementation at BCWWA Annual Conference
Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) is a pilot program at a regional scale. CAVI will integrate with other groups, move ‘green value’ from concept to practice, and encourage the introduction of a ‘design with nature’ way of thinking into local government decision processes.
Towards Water Sustainability
Further, CAVI will play a leadership role in evolving a framework for water-centric planning that is keyed to accepting risk, rewarding innovation, and learning by doing. The emphasis will be on bringing together local government and the development community to change the way land is developed and water is used on Vancouver Island.
In a two-part presentation at the 2007 Annual Conference of the BC Water & Waste Assocation (BCWWA), Tim Pringle of the Real Estate Foundation presented some attention-grabbing statistics to make the case for a fundamental shift in thinking so that settlement will be in balance with ecology.
Graeme Bethell of the CAVI Leadership Team then described the origins of CAVI and elaborated on how CAVI will achieve its water-centric mission to achieve the vision for settlement in balance with ecology.
To Learn More:
To download a copy of the co-presentation by Tim Pringle and Graeme Bethell, please click on this link to Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: Towards Water Sustainability.
Convening for Action in BC
The Vancouver Island presentation was one of five cascading presentations that comprised a half-day session on Convening for Action in Brtish Columbia. The session was co-organized by the BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee (WSC) and the Green Infrastructure Partnership (GIP).
To Learn More:
For a comprehensive story that provides a synopsis of each presentation, click on 2007 Annual Conference of the BC Water & Waste Association