KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Water stewardship is everyone’s business: Setting the course for change
Creating Our Future
“Working Towards Sustainable Communities” was the theme for the 2007 Annual Conference of the BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA), held in Penticton. Dr. Tom Siddon, Chair of the newly formed Okanagan Water Stewardship Council, delivered the Keynote Address.
“A new Okanagan Water Stewardship Council (OWSC) has been created to provide a ‘brain trust’ of voluntary expertise, advising and guiding the new policy and project initiatives of the Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB),” stated Dr. Siddon
“The OWSC, comprising some 26 water-specialist, has taken on numerous important initiatives since it was created in March 2006. These include the preparation of a long-range water management strategy for the Okanagan, joint oversight of a comprehensive supply and demand study, new initiatives to assure drinkingwater quality and the provision of a more adequate hydrometric monitoring network.”
“Elected political leadership throughout the Okanagan is now more engaged than it has ever been in history in water stewardship and water management planning. There is no doubt that this new approach to water stewardship and public engagement will bring many positive results, setting the course for change in the Okanagan, for decades to come.”
To Learn More:
To download an article that was adapted from Dr. Siddon’s speech, click on this link to Water Stewardship is Everyone’s Business – Setting the Course for Change
To download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that Dr. Siddon delivered, click here.