Water Sustainability Committee has Role to Play in Implementing Province’s Water Stewardship Outreach Strategy: Lynn Kriwoken and Ray Fung provide update at BCWWA Annunal Conference
Water – Choosing Sustainability for Life & Livelihoods
In their two-part presentation at the 2007 Annual Conference of the BC Water & Waste Assocation (BCWWA), Lynn Kriwoken and Ray Fung elaborated on how the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia is being delivered by the Water Sustainability Committee through a partnership with the Ministry of Environment.
In her part, Lynn Kriwoken addressed Challenges and Possibilities and emphasized that the Ministry of Environment views its partnership with the Water Sustainability Committee as an essential element in implementing the Ministry’s Water Stewardship Outreach Strategy.
“Water is the piece that integrates everything that we care about. You will note that we are using the phrase water stewardship, not water management. Stewardship is about replacing self interest, dependency and control with service, responsibility and partnership,” stated Lynn Kriwoken.
In his part, Ray Fung unveiled a new graphic that conceptualizes that the four areas of activity under the Action Plan umbrella. He also described what Convening for Action means in practice.
“Convening for Action is our mantra. In a nutshell, we are saying that we do not want to get together at conferences or wherever just to talk. When we gather, it is for a purpose. There must be an action item or an outcome. Our aim is to move from talk to action by developing tools, building capacity, and providing training,” stated Ray Fung.
To Learn More:
To dowload a copy of the co-presentation, please click on this link to Water-Choosing Sustainability for Life and Livelihoods.
This was one of five cascading presentations that comprised a half-day session on Convening for Action in Brtish Columbia. For a comprehensive story that provides a synopsis of each presentation, click on 2007 BCWWA Annual Conference Theme: Working Towards Sustainable Communities.