Rainwater Harvesting on the West Coast: Klaus Koenig impresses Victoria audience
The program for the Rainwater Harvesting Workshop in Victoria was built around Klaus Koenig, German architect and consulting engineer. Klaus has been extensively involved with the subject of rainwater utilization for 20 years. The author of several books in German on the subject, his first English book on rainwater recycling, ‘The Rainwater Technology Handbook, Rain Harvesting in Building’, was published in 2001. For information on how you can order a copy of the book, please contact the publisher in Germany at this email address thorsten.weisemann@wilo.de.
Klaus Koenig regularly writes article and reports for professional journals and has lectured on the subject at the International Symposia of the United Nations in Tokyo in 1998 and in Kone, Japan in 1999. Klaus was a panelist in the 2nd World Water Forum at the Hague, Netherlands in 2000 and at the 3rd World Water Forum at Kyoto in 2003.
Klaus made four presentations at the Victoria Workshop. Click on the links below to view them:
Koenig#1: Sky Supply – A Global Overview of Rainwater Harvesting
Koenig#2: Water Sensitive Urban Development On-the-Ground
Koenig#3: Turning the Tap – A Closer Look at Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Koenig#4: Overcoming Barriers: Where There is a Will, There is a Way
The workshop was co-moderated by Colwyn Sunderland (Demand Management Coordinator, Capital Regional District) and Erik Karlsen (Chair, Smart Growth on the Ground; Co-Lead, Convening for Action Initiative).
Click on the links below for their opening and closing presentations:
Colwyn Sunderland: Convening for Action – We Can Create Our Future
Erik Karlsen: Convening for Action – Closing the Cycle
In addition to the presentations by Klaus Koenig, Colwyn Sunderland and Erik Karlsen, Allan Dobie of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation moderated a Panel Session that featured three Greater Victoria applications of Rainwater Harvesting. Click on the links below to view these presentations:
Alan Dobie: Pooling Ideas – Making Sense of Rainwater Harvesting on the “Wet Coast”
Patrick Lucey: Healthy Streams and Rainwater Harvesting
Randy Page: Rainwater Harvesting at the Olympic View Golf Club
Bob Burgess: Rainwater Harvesting in the Gulf Islands
A key message of the workshop was this: ‘The Urban Sector can learn from the Agricultural Sector: Rainwater harvesting is already meeting agricultural irrigation needs.’ Click on the link below to view the presentation by Dave Pendray.
Farm Economics – Understanding Rain as a Bottomline Resource
Posted June 2005