National Land and Water Information Service
This internet-based service provides access to agri-environmental information to help Canadians make responsible land-use decisions.
This internet-based service provides access to agri-environmental information to help Canadians make responsible land-use decisions.
About the Stewardship Centre for British Columbia (SCBC): Stewardship broadly defined is an ethic that recognises the need to conserve and restore ecosystems for current and future generations of all species. Stewardship is not just a technique. It is a philosophy, and a commitment to act in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner. Stewardship exceeds legal obligations. It refers to a wide range of actions and activities of individuals, communities, groups and organizations acting alone or in partnership, to promote, monitor, conserve and restore ecosystems.
The City of Kelowna is among the most proactive municiplaities in British Columbia with respect to water conservation with its WaterSmart program.
The Partnership Committee supports a growing and developing agriculture industry that is environmentally and economically sustainable
The Okanagan Valley is situated in the south central region of British Columbia, a region that is well known for orchards, vineyards and a climate that is often considered a semi desert in the southern portion of the valley. The South East Kelowna Irrigation District (SEKID) is located in the center of the valley and was faced with water management problems in the early 1990’s. The district decided to implement a demand management strategy in 1995 to help improve their capability to manage their water resource during times of drought. The strategy included the installation of meters for all agricultural and new domestic users, the implementation of an irrigation scheduling demonstration program and the development of a data management and water use reporting program.