Communication Vehicle for British Columbia Agriculture and Water Issues


The Agriculture & Water community-of-interest (COI) is the web-delivery vehicle for informing British Columbians of agriculture and water issues in the Province.

The drop-down menu structure for this Community-of-Interest comprises a Table of Contents under five themes :

  • Water Management
  • Drought
  • Water Use
  • Water Stewardship
  • Resources

The graphic below illustrates the drop-down menu structure for the entire Agriculture & Water COI.

























Each COI is a separate website that provides easy access to a variety of information modules developed within the COI structure.

To enable users to customize their home pages by means of direct links, the WaterBucket sites reside on a RSS (Real Simple Syndication) platform. Content can be provided by a live feed so that users will receive fresh information with each visit.

Over time individual drop-downs within the Agriculture & Water COI will evolve into submenus as stories are contributed on a continuing basis by a network of content experts.

We welcome suggestions for articles for inclusion under our drop-down menus.  Click on Create in the “Contribute an Article” box on the right hand side of our Agriculture & Water COI homepage.