B.C. Irrigation Management Guide
This Guide assists British Columbia’s farmers and ranchers to optimize water use, thereby improving water management during times of drought, long-term climate change, and competing uses of the water resource.
The primary purpose of the Guide is to provide irigation professionals and consultants with a methodology to assess the irrigation system performance and manage the system effectively.
The goal of the BC Irrigation Management Guide is to achieve sustainability in British Columbia’s agriculture industry.
Topics covered in the Guide are:
- Introduction to an Irrigation Management Plan
- Environmental Concerns of Irrigation Water Supply
- Climate
- Basic Environmental Farm Assessment for Irrigation
- Plants, Soil and Soil Water
- Irrigation System Assessment
- Irrigation Scheduling
- Energy Conservation and Operating Costs
- Chemigation, Frost Protection and Crop Cooling
- Use of Reclaimed Water
This 300 page publication can be ordered from the Irrigation Industry Association of B.C.