Farmwest and Water Management


The Farmwest climate station network is part of a water conservation initiative for more effective and efficient use of irrigation water.

This web-based irrigation scheduling tool hosted at the Farmwest website provides real-time evapotranspiration (ET) information to irrigators and water system managers throughout British Columbia to:

  1. aid them in irrigation scheduling decisions;
  2. optimize or reduce water consumption during the irrigation season; and
  3. minimize the impact of water shortages caused by droughts and long-term climate change.


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Farmwest website imageThe network has currently over 80 climate stations across B.C. providing, in addition to ET, other climate information, such as corn heat units (CHU), growing degree days, T-Sum, temperature monitoring and weather forecasts that irrigators might be interest in.


The website is updated on a daily basis to provide the most current information possible.

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