Turf and Landscape Irrigation Scheduling


High frequency irrigation leads to increased surface evaporation and usually a higher rate of transpiration by the plants. The irrigation scheduling procedure (outlined in this guide) minimizes the frequency of irrigation but maximizes duration of application that is allowed by the soil and plants. It is better to have an irrigation schedule where irrigation occurs less frequently but fully utilizes water stored in the plants’ root zone.








This guide explains a base irrigation schedule, which uses historical peak evapotranspiration (ET) rates for a monthly time period, and a water budget schedule that uses daily climatic data. The base schedule ensures that the system is operated as designed for the plant and soil conditions present. The daily schedule will allow for the schedule to be adjusted to match actual weather conditions as they occur.

For irrigation scheduling you need to know
– How much water the landscape is using
– How much water the irrigation system puts on at one time
– How much total water the soil holds and is available to the plant
– How much rainfall has been added

This 15 page publication can be downloaded free of charge from the Irrigation Industry Association of B.C.


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