

CHAMPION SUPPORTER: Recognition of Mayor Darrell Mussatto, City of North Vancouver (September 2018)

The long-term support provided by Mayor Darrell Mussatto contributed to the effectiveness of the Partnership for Water Sustainability as the hub for a ‘convening for action’ network in the local government setting. As Chair of Metro Vancouver’s Utilities Committee, there were several pivotal moments when the support of Mayor Mussatto and the Utilities Committee meant that the Partnership for Water Sustainability could carry out its capacity-building mission.

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2018 Annual Report for the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia

“Water Sustainability. Habitat Enhancement. Land Security. These are important focal
points for nongovernment groups that are instrumental in maintaining the health and diversity of our watersheds, as in indeed, in maintaining their very function. Is it too late? Evidence suggests that in some cases it may be. The 2nd Annual Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate will provide some insight to this and other questions about our water resource. The first symposium in 2018 struck a chord with the approximate 200 participants, who rallied for another event. So we bring you Parksville 2019,” stated John Finnie.

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PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE (2018): “PWSBC success is accomplished by partnering with the provincial government, local governments, non-profit societies and practitioners. Our successes are only possible with their support and efforts,” stated Ted van der Gulik, President

“The Partnership finished a five year agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture to deliver the Agriculture Water Demand Model program in March of 2018. In May of 2018 another five year agreement was established in an effort to make the AWDM operational for the entire province. The new agreement will allow for additional work on digitizing soils data, update climate data to 2018 and develop an online version of the AWDM,” reported Ted van der Gulik.

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ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (2018): “A Partnership priority was to build enduring relationships with the stewardship sector,” stated Kim Stephens, Executive Director

“We are convinced that community empowerment and sustainable partnerships with local government are key to adapting to the ‘new normal’ – and that is, warmer and wetter winters, longer and drier summers,” stated Kim Stephens. “A decade of effort, by partnerships of local governments and community stewards, is demonstrating success on the ground where it matters. They are on a pathway to reconnect hydrology and ecology.”

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INFLUENCING CHANGE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA: “In effect we are being challenged to re-assess our thinking regarding how we practice water management in the 21st century,” stated Eric Bonham when commenting on the legacy of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in “Our Story”, released in March 2018

“Future planners, engineers, scientists, politicians and citizens alike will be called upon to demonstrate both vision and pragmatism, working as a team towards consensus, commitment and collaboration for the common good. Such collaboration is essential and must cross all political and community boundaries given that climate change is no respecter of such creations. The Partnership has accepted this challenge and its implementation,” stated Eric Bonham.

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2017 Annual Report for the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia

“Changes to the BC Societies Act have meant changes to our Constitution and By-laws to bring us into alignment with the new Act and to carry out some house-cleaning to be more effective and efficient in our general operations. Part of these changes have meant a clarification around ‘membership’ and to review the need for additional directors. The board currently comprises seven (7) directors. These changes were discussed at a directors’ meeting in October and were passed by special resolution,” stated Derek Richmond.

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