CHAMPION SUPPORTER: Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (November 2012)
About VIEA
Incorporated as a not-for-profit society in 2007, the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) is a collaborative partnership spearheading regional economic development for the Vancouver Island region. In 2010, the VIEA Board adopted a 3-year Business/Workplan which identified collaboration with the CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island initiative as a high priority.
VIEA provides the means for a multitude of communities, First Nations, businesses, and other key stakeholders to collaborate on broad-based economic development programs that improve the region’s overall capacity for growth.
The regional alliance includes all Vancouver Island communities from Victoria to Port Hardy as well as the Northern and Southern Gulf Islands.
To Learn More:
To download the VIEA Strategic Plan and 2011-2013 Workplan, click here.
“CAVI Initiative” on Vancouver Island
“CAVI began as a grassroots collective partnership committed to achieving settlement in balance with economy and ecology, starting with water-centric planning. CAVI was formally launched in 2006 at a consultation workshop held in conjunction with the Water in the City Conference,” states John Finnie, CAVI Past-Chair (2006-2011).
“The CAVI program is currently being implemented under the umbrella of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia. CAVI continues to reach out to groups that share a vision for Vancouver Island, with the goal of creating a roundtable of partnerships.”
“The Champion Supporter designation allows the Partnership to formally recognize agencies and organizations that provide substantial financial and/or in-kind support that in turn enables the Partnership to develop tools and deliver programs under the umbrella of Convening for Action in British Columbia,” continues Tim Pringle, Partnership President.
“The VIEA organization has demonstrated its commitment through in-kind support of the CAVI initiative. The in-kind contribution includes appointing a VIEA Director to sit on the CAVI Leadership Team.”
“We value our relationship with VIEA and greatly appreciate that VIEA has hosted a ‘CAVI Forum’ within the Annual State of the Island Summit in 2010, 2011 and 2012. This event has been invaluable in raising the profile and broadening awareness of the CAVI initiative. We also appreciate that VIEA Board has deemed that VIEA-CAVI collaboration ranks as a high priority moving forward as we seek to address through partnership, the necessary balance of the economy with ecology.”
Rainwater Management in a Watershed Sustainability Context
“Under the CAVI umbrella, the Partnership has brought together four regional districts to implement an Inter-Regional Education Initiative for Rainwater Management in a Watershed Sustainability Context (IREI),”reports Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director.
“The Inter-Regional Education Initiative is designed to accelerate implementation of Livign Water Smart and Green Communities principles and policy objectives in the local government setting. In April 2012, VIEA confirmed its participation in the IREI, by offering in-kind support at its annual State of the Island Economic Summit.”
“As a collaborative partnership spearheading regional economic development for Vancouver Island, we’re thrilled to be part of such a worthwhile initiative,” continues George Hanson, VIEA President.
“The essence of the VIEA-CAVI partnership is contained in the phrase economy and ecology in balance. VIEA promotes regional initiatives that strengthen economic capacity; and CAVI represents the ecological perspective through its championing of green infrastructure and water sustainability. Looking ahead, ‘economy and ecology in balance’ is a message that we will both be communicating in the public realm in an educational context.”
“Given the pristine nature of Vancouver Island’s watersheds, we have a unique opportunity NOW to find solutions that will demonstrate how land development can work in tandem with a sustainable watershed management plan,” adds Marianne Stolz. As a Director, she represents VIEA on the CAVI Leadership Team.
To Learn More:
For more information on VIEA-CAVI collaboration, click on the links below:
2012 State of the Island Economic Summit
2011 State of the Island Economic Summit
2010 State of the Island Economic Summit