Beyond the Guidebook 2015: Time-Line for Cowichan Region provides context for evolution of “Mimic the Water Balance” approach

BYGB2015_Time-Line & Milestones


Convening for Action in the
Cowichan Region

In 2008, the Cowichan Region was the pilot for the Living Water Smart Learning Lunch Seminar Series. The Comox Valley Series then built on and adapted the Cowichan experience. During the planning of the series, Peter Nilsen (former Deputy Engineer, District of North Cowichan) observed that:

Peter-Nilsen_120p“Within the Cowichan Valley Regional District, there are five local government jurisdictions; and the same group of developers and development consultants have projects in all or most of those jurisdictions. It therefore becomes essential that developers and their consultants hear a consistent message regarding rainwater management and green infrastructure expectations when doing business at the front counters in each of those jurisdictions.”

To Download the Time-Line:

CLICK HERE to download a pdf copy of Figure 32 from Beyond the Guidebook 2015. This is complete with a colour-coding legend.

To download a copy of the entire 158-page Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link:

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