

Water Balance Express: Restore ‘environmental flows’ in urban streams

The Express helps landowners quantify how well rain gardens on their properties slow, sink and spread runoff. The Express is populated with watershed targets determined by applying the Water Balance Methodology. The flow-duration relationship is the cornerstone of the methodology. “North Vancouver District undertook the ‘proof of concept’ for Express development as an element of its Hastings Creek watershed plan. Other local government leaders have followed. Each time the tool is enhanced,” wrote Richard Boase.

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“Slow, Sink and Spread Rainwater Runoff” – online video tutorial guides homeowners in use of Water Balance Express

“The Water Balance Express tool is an example of how science can be translated into a meaningful form to help inform non-scientists on how to contribute to positive change. The video tutorial is helpful in demonstrating how the addition of the ‘Lego blocks’ can improve the stream health score,” states Julie Wilson. “The tool allows people to think about water in a different way, by conceptualizing how it behaves as it moves on and around their property.”

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DRainscapes video – a teaching tool for reaching a broad audience, states UBC's Daniel Roehr

Framed for a broad audience, “DRainscapes” is a three-minute animation that explains the link between a single yard and the watershed system. “Finding ways to share the tools of our profession with wide audiences is increasingly necessary. It defines our ability to quickly adapt to our increasingly erratic environment, as citizens and cities implement the tools we have created to mitigate the impacts of development and climate change,” states Daniel Roehr.

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