
Published Articles & Resources

VANCOUVER SUN 0P-ED ARTICLE: We must protect watershed systems (published on October 13, 2016)

“Work needs to be done today to ensure we see a secure water future. Benefits are long-term,” wrote Kim Stephens. “Successful programs that are politically supported would ensure we restore the water balance and have sustainable watershed systems. This approach has the potential to re-set the ecological baseline along the east coast of Vancouver Island and in the Lower Mainland. Success would be abundant salmon in urban streams.”

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INNOVATION MAGAZINE (cover story): Sustainable Watershed Systems – Nature’s Assets Provide Vital Community Infrastructure Services (published in the September/October 2016 issue)

“Communities would benefit from shifting their definitions of community infrastructure to include entire watersheds. Including the components and pathways of a watershed system among infrastructure assets, and both managing them as integrated systems to maintain the natural water balance within communities and protecting them, would help communities avoid incurring expensive fixes and unfunded liability,” wrote Brian Bedford.

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ASSET MANAGEMENT BC NEWSLETTER (September 2016) – Announcement: Partnership for Water Sustainability publishes Primer to support vision for “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management”

“A key message in the Primer is the necessity of ‘staying true to the science’ IF communities are to achieve a vision for sustainable watershed systems,” wrote Kim Stephens. “Achieving sustainable watershed systems through asset management will require long-term commitment by communities, successive municipal councils and regional boards, and generations of land and water professionals.”

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ASSET MANAGEMENT BC NEWSLETTER (June 2016) – Opinion/ Editorial: On Sharing a Vision for “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management”

Restoring watershed function will require a long-term commitment by the community at large, successive Municipal Councils and Regional Boards, and generations of land AND water professionals. “The challenge is ‘integration’ and getting every discipline to recognize each others’ contribution plus get the organization working together on a common path. The other challenge is communicating and understanding the message,” wrote Wally Wells.

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SITELINES MAGAZINE (June 2016): "Water Balance Pathway to a Water-Resilient Future" feature issue introduced the three steps on the Asset Management Continuum for Sustainable Service Delivery

“The ultimate vision for fully integrated Sustainable Service Delivery is that communities would protect, preserve, restore and manage natural assets in the same way that they manage their engineered assets,” stated Glen Brown. “A watershed, and the ecosystem services that it provides, is a fundamental and integral part of a community’s infrastructure. Trees, soil, green spaces and water do contribute a valuable municipal function in maintaining the hydrologic integrity of a healthy watershed system.”

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CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS MAGAZINE: Sustainable Watershed Systems (published in the September / October 2015 issue)

“BC local governments are faced with three interconnected issues. The first is to manage more effectively infrastructure and assets that underpin quality of life and economic productivity in an era of scarce resources. The second is to contain costs, taxes and risks. The third is to maintain community resilience in the face of challenges, including climatic variability and extremes,” stated Emanuel Machado.

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ASSET MANAGEMENT BC NEWSLETTER (September 2015) – Feast AND Famine: Moving Towards “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management”

“British Columbia local governments are sharing and learning from each other. The province is at a tipping point. Water balance tools and case study experience are in place. It is within the grasp of local governments to move beyond traditional infrastructure asset management. They can account for nature’s services by implementing Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management,” wrote Kate Miller.

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WATERMARK MAGAZINE (cover story in Summer 2015 issue): Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: Supporting the Vision for Integration of Natural Systems Thinking into “The BC Framework”

“Coined in 2010, the term Sustainable Service Delivery was introduced by the Province to integrate financial accountability, infrastructure sustainability and service delivery. While the BC Framework was only launched in early 2015, it has garnered both national and international attention. Other provinces, as well as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, are integrating the BC Framework into their respective work,” wrote Glen Brown.

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ASSET MANAGEMENT BC NEWSLETTER (January 2015) – Watershed Health, Resilient Rainwater Management, and Sustainable Service Delivery: How they are Connected

“The unfunded ‘infrastructure liability’ is a driver for local governments to consider longevity, focus on what happens after developers hand-off municipal infrastructure, get it right at the front-end, and prepare for the future. Climate change is part of the liability equation – adaptation has level-of-service implications for infrastructure,” wrote Derek Richmond, CAVI Chair.

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