

United States EPA Stormwater Rules should Acknowledge Benefits of Urbanism

“Redevelopment of previously developed land can lead to the net improvements in watershed health that we need. Redevelopment triggers restoration activities of our existing built environment. Watershed and sub-watershed analysis, integrated with regional planning and local regulations, should be at the heart of new stormwater regulations,” states John Norquist.

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Rainfall Interception in an Urban Environment: Results of UBC Tree Canopy Research published

“The results showed that urban trees intercept and evapotranspire more rain than trees in forested environments. Together with the delay in runoff trees can act as an effective rainwater management tool on individual properties,” stated Yeganeh Asadian. “We applied a unique methodology for measuring rain/throughfall under 54 different urban trees using a system of PVC pipes hung beneath the canopy to capture the throughfall where it drained into a rain gauge attached to a data logger.”

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