Leading Change in the USA: Rainwater-in-Context Initiative


Design with nature - tim pringle quote

Sustainable Rainwater Management

“A key goal of the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative is to help get the United States on the correct path for sustainable rainwater/stormwater management practices,” states Colorado-based Paul Crabtree, a driving force behind the Initiative.

Paul crabtree (120p) - rainwater in context initiative“Rainwater-in-Context unites New Urbanism, rainwater/stormwater and watershed management, Smart Growth, water reuse, low impact, light imprint, and other sustainable practices toward a holistic approach to rainwater that utilizes the rural-to-urban transect and Charter for the New Urbanism.”

“In placing the emphasis on the watershed and the stream, the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative mirrors the ‘design with nature’ Tim pringle (120p)approach that we are advancing in British Columbia. By designing with nature, as it were, communities lessen and sometimes avoid the expense of engineering and building various kinds of infrastructure,” observes Tim Pringle, President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.


To Learn More:

To read the complete story posted on the Rainwater Management Community-of-Interest, click on Cross-Border Alignment: Connecting the Dots Between Land Use Planning, Development, Watershed Health AND Infrastructure Management. This article consolidates links to a number of articles recently posted on the Water Bucket.


Posted February 2011