
2007 Annual Conference of the BC Water & Waste Association

2007 BCWWA Annual Conference Theme: Working Towards Sustainable Communities

“This phrase captures a common element in our day-to-day work regardless of the kind of work we are engaged in. Fundamentally, most of what we do is tied to trying to overcome the challenges presented by our communities whether as a municipal employee, consultant or supplier. Events like this conference are opportunities to learn. It is the sharing of experience that moves us toward creating better and more sustainable communities,” stated Jim Levin.

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Water Sustainability Committee has Role to Play in Implementing Province’s Water Stewardship Outreach Strategy: Lynn Kriwoken and Ray Fung provide update at BCWWA Annunal Conference

“Water is the piece that integrates everything that we care about. You will note that we are using the phrase water stewardship, not water management. Stewardship is about replacing self interest, dependency and control with service, responsibility and partnership,” stated Lynn Kriwoken. She concluded her presentation by presenting the Province’s vision for water. She stated that: “We can only attain the vision through shared stewardship.

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Convening for Action in the South Okanagan: Water for Life and Livelihoods

“Everything is connected, and how we develop land determines how water is used and how water runs off the land. Because water has been identified as the #1 concern of the public, the South Okanagan Regional Growth Strategy is a provincial pilot for advancing the water balance way-of-thinking and acting”, stated Ted van der Gulik.

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