Inter-Regional Collaboration: Cowichan Valley Regional District is a leader by example


Kim Stephens_Cowichan Valley presentation_June 20913_foundation pieces

Think Like a Watershed

In June 2013, Kim Stephens (Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC) met with the Cowichan Valley Regional Board and provided an update on the Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Educational Initiative (IREI).

Kim-Stephens_June-2013_120p“The Cowichan Valley Regional District’s long-term commitment is helping the Partnership advance the vision for achieving watershed sustainability through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices,” stated Kim Stephens. “What I think is really interesting about this valley is that you are getting people to think like a watershed. There seems to be a watershed consciousness here. People seem to be aware of the watershed that they live in.”

Foundation Pieces for Provincial Initiatives

“Cowichan Valley demonstration applications are foundation pieces for provincial strategies and tools. (In her introductory remarks) Kate Miller made reference to the Water Sustainability Action Plan. The whole concept behind the Action Plan was to bring together the top-down and bottom-up approaches because….we had learned from our past experience that we had to highlight the on-the-ground successes…because everyone learns from those types of successes.”

“And so, when I say that Cowichan Valley experience are foundation pieces for provincial initiative, here are several examples. In 2007 we piloted the Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series in this valley. Then in June 2008, you were the first demonstration region for the Learning Lunch Seminar Series approach to continuing education for local government practitioners. Later in 2008, the Cowichan Valley hosted a Water Balance Forum which was the springboard to a Metro Vancouver Water Balance Forum in 2009.”

Recognition of Kate Miller

Kate Miller_June-2013_v2_120pThe presentation by Kim Stephens provided the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of CVRD staff, in particular Kate Miller who has been a champion for innovation and environmental leadership. She is the CVRD’s Manager of Environmental Policy, and represents CVRD on the Partnership.

Ladysmith-Mayor_Rob-Hutchins_120pLadysmith Mayor Rob Hutchins, Board Chair, singled out Kate Miller for praise: “The Regional Board is committed to achieving the vision that we share for watershed sustainability in our region. We also appreciate the leadership shown by Kate Miller in guiding the CVRD to the destination. Kate truly is a champion. She is demonstrating how benefits flow to this region because we collaborate with other regions.”

To Learn More:

To download a PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentation by Kim Stephens, click on Rainwater Management in a Watershed Sustainability Context: Cowichan Valley Regional District is a leader by example.

To view  the video of the presentation that is posted on the CVRD website, click here. Go to Regional Services Committee meeting on June 26, 2013.

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